Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
The Internet is a massive and powerful tool for the initial development of business-oriented online, marketing multilevel, electronic commerce, advertising online. It is considered that they have been almost 676 million people in the whole world that have had quick access to the Internet already, and, in this year, the worldwide commerce around the complex net will reach the trillions of dollar.
Nowadays the modern world is in high speed visible transformation. On one hand, the technical advances have forced jobs disappeared with an impressive rapidity and it has had the budget of the corporations to cut in. Nobody sees who could take its permanent job out. Men and women of vision have known of the critical importance to have one additional source of income, a when unexpected Plan B to develop it.
On the other hand, it is not destination of anybody to continue at the hands of perhaps leaves or of the corporative system. I do believe anyone can creatively build its future with its proper hands. An extra business home income Internet work can be its frequent passport for a modern style of new life!
But I am going to save us all some time and move right to the point. That are ok with you, right? This is not going to be another hyped up sales letter. I could write one if I eventually craved to, but in this particular case it is just not essential. Besides that, you are tired of the hype anyway are not you? It becomes old after awhile. Any relevant information more, the selective reader can give one be looked at in source signature below.
An executive business home income Internet work demand some works. If you are seriously thinking about making its proper business online, let me offer you relevant questions that I made myself and have helped me very much.
Have you felt qua is not earning much money as you win? Have you met drastic situation you have had not much time to be with your family? Have you imagined in being its proper master? Have you required extra unable cash for your expenditures? Have you worried about the financial future of your family?
Your answers to the questions above should be very important to make recent determination and attitude in everything at your private life. A good profile to establish a work at home based business opportunity could come from that answers. And anyone could vary its profile.
Paulo Freire was a great Brazilian educator. He widely used to say we have had many answers and much feel question along our existence. When you have switched on the TV, radio, open the periodical you could see many, many sort of answer to almost all kind of simple problems. What we have had rare frequently seen are good questions about the significant trouble history or the puzzle options to.
For instance, if you create a search at the Internet for work at home based business opportunity you would obviously meet many options. I recommend examine this options about budget, website setup, directly support, work part time, international expansion and whether how long you would have your invested money back.
So you could have a sort of questions and imagination that could offer you probable opportunity to think about yourself, your lifestyle and your ultimate targets. That should be my meanly offer to you: to help you to strongly think.
At a business home Internet work what you learn you earn. In accordance with Paul Zane Pilzer businesses established of house and made by the Internet have been the biggest trends of the beginning of this era. What do you think about that?
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Internet Marketing Opportunities
Monday, January 29, 2007
Business Home Income Internet Work
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9:10 AM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Work At Home Job Profile
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Are you looking for a work at home opportunity? Statistically the amount of people with that query increase day by day, month by month. What is the best way to become Internet marketing?
Through the net you can find many tips about that. For instance, you can run three easy steps to get a plug in profit site complete money making site setup free. And you can find many others tips of course. There are many products and Gurus online. Take care and pay attention their business history. There are a lot of different ways to make money online. And there are people making a fortune there too.
But it does not come overnight and make sure it has had much work to do. You could start searching about affiliate marketing and blogging. You should take a look at your budget and identify products with particular qualities combination and should try to make them different from others.
However this article runs to help you think about your profile. Are you an exclusive Internet marketing? No, you are not exclusive one. There are many people out there promoting there Internet business. However, you should try to be exclusive. That is the point. It means to get it depends on you.
One question about your profile: Are you a moderate or aggressive in business? Generally a moderate businessman makes certain that all the things happen without problems and follow the rules. On the other hand the aggressive one runs on bigger determination. It goes faster but it does not mean better.
Anyway, you should have to choose and determine your own personal profile. By way of example: you should make a short description of your life, work dreams, personal likely character, behavior, interests and search to reach a life style that should bring you more happiness.
Through the Internet you should write a short description not of your personal life, but of your skills, pointing all your readers to your web site reference. Yes, the more important part of your profile online is to make sure other people should know you, your products.
By that writer reference your readers could click and get information to buy through your web site.
Then you should try to promote it. Promoting your profile, through article submission, Bloggin, etc, you are going to promote your web site and therefore its products.
One last thought: a work at home based business opportunity should never come without work. With your profile you will point a lot of back links to your web site. And there you will provoke curiosity and could get click on your products. Does it make sense that a work at home job profile online is very, very important?
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2:34 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Work At Home Institute
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Nowadays we used to frequently watch many people say many things about related job. It is skimpy detail they would want to establish or occasionally create a useful order, rule, legal action, to become their income different. However, they have been more repeatedly claiming then the proceedings, or attitudes in focused management to institute a modern lifestyle.
The statistics have pointed that ninety and five percent of what we have done everyday have had little meant for us precisely. It has led clearly to the forgetfulness. It means we have had forgetful in what we have done simple without listening fun or significance.
The other five percent we have got sense, It has been marked our selective memory, even if it have had not been so significant for other people. Maybe what we have done in our private living in this negotiable percent time could arrange matters eventually replace continually.
Well, I positively consider there are two different directions to graciously hit this post. They are not prescription advice or some forms so that any reader could operate it its private life. It has been my way to frequently understanding craziest matters.
The first way would be to work the five percent advantage to implicitly learning modern things, to not quite meet recent people, to definitely lend the original ideas value. At last, these five percent would be considered the special moment to we have our heart clear to the unexpected opportunities. It could make many people live the difference.
Our immediate work would instantly take us the opportunity to find out something unusual. Maybe we would reach esteemed accomplishment, working to relative profit, in the best prospective way, these five percent time. Many guys have missed the opportunity of promotion, increase incomes because they have declined the value of this five percent.
By the second way it would be when we work at home institute part time. I do widely understand it would be very tough to quit related job because the budget, but we would to apply the maximum of the five percent advantage to gain recent knowledge, to learn about other work tips and to use them to ultimately earn decent money extra. That would be a viable alternative.
It is attractive because the overall flexibility of working hours that you take. All you would do is to gain your extra mile time best possible dedication from the five percent and operate that ninety and five percent automatically. I have understood we would reach something different with that. Yes, it would not be so simple. It would demands our will force. However, nobody would spoon fruits of where they did not have plant. And all plantations eventually acquire a time to make their fruits come over.
The five percents advantage of our work time depend on our decision to use it to work at home institute. Maybe this part time work would come full time. Who knows?
I would like to say you to pay attention at your private lifetime. I do not know if those statistics are correct. At my experience I have saw that when I have used time equilibrated I have had brought up to date much more good memories.
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10:58 AM
Friday, January 26, 2007
Do We Really Want What Do We Desire?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Every new Internet marketer business is taken to ask themselves about their dreams. Everybody are inquired about target, clear vision, focused attention and energy. Anyway do we really want what do we desire?
There are a lot of books telling we can get life we really want. Books are some kind of reference and if it seems to be a manual it does not work. The information we get on it must be judged or measured in comparison with ours life.
To inquire about dreams means look for a lifestyle that can bring happiness. Historically it has haven many meanings. There are changes for which it passed our conception of happy life: a virtuous life, for the old Greeks; pleasant, for the Romans; deserving of the paradise, for the Christians.
Today the happiness is an obligator aspiration. It sounds like we must have happiness as identity form. By the way the sadness is convict, exclude of the social environment and relegated the doctor offices of psychological therapy.
To go looking for ours dreams is looking for happiness and that feed an unsatisfied net of objects and pleasures. Paradoxically the requirement to be happy, even if the definition of what in it makes them happy is sufficiently uncertain, without knowing right what this means, becomes not unacceptable.
And then happiness is confused with the promise of a better life in the future. The fact we are stirring up ours dreams, to reach happiness lifestyle is a temptation. However, as some authors say, a property of our species is the capacity to imagine the future, but, in this task, we are bad. Therefore, the happiness never desired and reached is not well what people wanted.
Into a work at home based business opportunity at the Internet marketing it runs like that. We are not good to make the future of which we dream to take for granted waited happiness. We do not know to foresee it correctly.
So image happiness reaches in the future works partially. Mainly to we maintain our persistence. It is very important because in the way business we can feel fear sufficiently to quit out.
On the other hand we may think the happiness is here, at the present time. How? Have working it hard with pleasure. Is that impossible? I do think so.
Work with pleasure is possible but not simple. I have been learned is our bigger challenge nowadays. It involves patience, persistence and creativity. Have you ever heard the phrase: when you get a lemon go on and do lemonade? Well I use to drink it with no much sugar.
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8:06 PM
Work At Home Based Business – My Experience
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
I have four month of an experience at work at home based business opportunity and would like to share it here. It is not a talk of me, but of my experience, maybe can help new beginners.
This experience is face to face with one thing: I am not from an English country and the English language is not used any day here. It has a specific useful at English schools, work, airport, hotels. There is no use day after day into household.
Guess what: my work at home based business is in English.
The second problem, that I learned to call it by a challenger, is my no experience at HTML language, even Internet marketing four months ago. I used to navigate at Internet, read email, open web sites and no more.
Yes, I know you think I am unreasonable. But see it is always been my dream to have financial independence. It is not likely doing what I used to do. And my dream is too to reach a life style that Internet marketing offers as opportunity.
But those last four months were great, although to discover that it would not bring enough income as I used to think. Why? I was a newbie and have just started. It is important to pay attention. There are no serious businesses fast enough that allow you to make a lot of money at the first four months. Anyway I could not attract the customers as I wanted to.
What is the moral of story? Many things to learn and it bring a lot of work. Yes, a lot of work. It is business not holidays. However it is a pleasant work, a pleasant based business.
I have had fear throughout this way. I learned that I should promote my web site. And to do that I should write articles, exchange links, post in forums, edit a Blog and many other things to get back links to my site.
Yep, you read that right. That is all it takes to build a work at home based business opportunity. And it is more. Does it threat you, or hinders you fallow the same way?
I would like you consider one thing: many people use to say that if you think you can do it, so you can. Or in contrast, if you think you can not, you will can not. Well, this thought is very important because it take us face to face with our dreams.
I am still learning many things at this opportunity. And I feel my dreams are coming to. And today I just know anyone can do it.
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10:14 AM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
What To Do When You Run Negative Thoughts?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
You just wake up. Open your eyes see the wall, look at your clock and then you turn the side and try to sleep a little more. Eight hours sleeping and you have no will to get out of bad. You run negative thoughts. And now what do you do?
Many people face this sort of situation. Perhaps you fought with your husband, or your woman. Or even you have had work misunderstanding, you did not reach its goals, whatever, something put you down and allowed you run negative thoughts.
Does this situation appear frequently? I am not a psychologist but my experience shows me it occurs everyday, and more than one time a day. I never have formal school classes to learn what to do with those thoughts, have you?
So, the best way to fight negative thought is to produce positive one. It seams simple, but you will have some kind of work. It is not a fight you use physical force to try to defeat another person or group of people. It does not mean to think is not a physical force. And it does not means you are fighting alone, or it is an individual fight exclusively.
You will get into start fighting with your thoughts. And it looks like you are separated of the mankind. But what you think is particularly connect on what and who you live or exist together at the same time or in the same place.
Look at your church, your school, quarter and neighborhood, even at your family and try to recognize and name the exact character of your thoughts. Or even talk to a friend and get your problems as challenger.
Therefore start to ask you what should take you run negative thoughts? Make a list of those negative thoughts and their motivation. It is very important to write as much you can. Then ask yourself: is that thought possible comes to happen? What could be an against thought, or positive one?
Now, with that list, you have things to choose. Yes, you will have to choose what to think. To choose here is to decide what you want to think from a range of things or possibilities. By making choose you can show yourself that even if you feel fear doing that, take your life by your hand and do it anyway.
It is the final steps. It works to me. My advice is just do it and remember you are what you think you are.
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3:10 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Query About Work At Home Based Business?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
One query about work at home based business opportunity: what is power and function at this kind of opportunity? Many guys at Internet world offer so much business power. It can be a sort of online trade or affiliate programs. And it has a sociological function.
They are two concepts that run confusingly maybe. At my new experience on Internet marketing I have found some tips that made me understand it better and I will share it here.
Power and function are two sociological concepts. Power means a person, organization or country that has control over others, often because of wealth, importance or great military strength. And function is the natural purpose of something or the duty of a person, for instance.
How can we appropriate of these meanings to a work at home based business opportunity? This question is important here to you understand that when you hear that any business functions is going to take power for yourself you must think about another concept. That are relation.
The power of a work at home based business relation of what? Or, the function of a work at home based business relation of what? It does not exist by itself. They, the power and the function of anything or anybody, are ever a relational power and function. It is simple. You will discover many things when you start to think with this sort of categories.
Let me give an example. An Internet work at home take anybody to the power to have a web site own, even if him, her, you have no experience. The web site function is to promote a based business.
However, you will have a lot of link, page rank at your site if you work hard to promote it. The web site by itself has a function and a power in relation to others web site in the Internet world if you or your webmaster works for that. The web site power is determined by the strategies of submit articles, post in forums, exchange links, search engine optimization and others.
In other words, you will have the power of make money online if you can run your web site thus it can be more visited then the web site of yours competitors. The power is relation yours competitors.
Your web site has the function to sell products, if you are intend to do it. The function is not static. It depends on your work to promote.
Therefore, when you are face to face with those terms, you must think about it. The facts you getting a selling web space do not allow you make money online. Your lesson is to learn about it to have work at home based business and ear money with that opportunity.
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3:30 PM
Work At Home Based Business Opportunity And Fishing
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
What is the relationship between fishing and search engine optimization? It does not have direct relation. But a rule does not exist to relate a thing with another one. In the truth this relation appeared when I was to take my younger son and his friend to a fish. They have 8 and 9 years old, respectively. And as well as I, they are learning to fish.
On the other hand, at a new work at home based business opportunity, I am learning to use search engine optimization. They are tools to attempt to gather all the pages that are in the Internet world and rank these according to the search phrase typed in by the user.
The point here is: when we catch the fish pole and we launch it in the lake, our goal and hope are to catch the biggest possible fish. Exactly that the fish tools are not adjusted.
My son and his friend after the first catch fish have begun to talk that those fishes were so small and that lake did not used to have bigger fishes. In other words, they wanted to catch big fish. Of which size, I asked them, and they just sad big fish. Of course they do not image a necessarily size. They just wanted a bigger fish then those they star fishing.
At the first search engine optimization lesson I learned that take the big fish does not work for new Internet marketers. It is like to want to catch a big fish with a small hook. What does it mean?
A work at home small Internet business is a very competitive area of make money at Internet world. There are many gays with experience and much more time doing this. If we choose phrase as work from home, home based business the competition will be with no less than 1 million work at home Internet pages searching a month. And by this way the fish pole and the hook newbie are insufficient.
So what to do? Begin to catch small fish. It is what I told to my son and his friend. It is what must do the newbie at Internet marketing. When you choose less competitive phrase it does not mean you are not competitive. You just choose to be on the competition using another race ray.
If anybody is learning to fish I recommend small lakes and small fish as a beginning goal. As the same way, to anybody is beginning a work at home based business opportunity try to learn a little bit more about search engine optimization and choose phrase keywords less competitive to be better positional at Internet world.
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7:20 AM
Sunday, January 21, 2007
How Brazil Kids Learn To Play Soccer?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
I will not write here as a specialized soccer guru. My younger son has just 8 yeas old and I have seen him and his friends to ply soccer and thought: how did he and all of those kids learn to play soccer?
Well, frankly, that is a mystery. And that mystery took me as an important question: how Brazil kids learn to play soccer?
I think there is not a simple reply to that question. In fact, if we knew that answer the Brazilian soccer should ever gain the soccer world cup. But, as the entire world knows, it is not right.
However, there are some things that make us intrigued, not because at Brazil we have Pelé, widely regarded as one the greatest footballer of all time, either because the Brazil national football team, five times world-wide champion soccer.
This curiosity appear when we see kids playing soccer without shoes, in the streets, improvised fields, of land, sand, gram, wherever, with a sort of unstoppable dribbling and goals.
Ronaldo, Ronaldinho Gaucho, both so-called the best world futboll player, they played football with special skills since childhood. They are identified as a rising star.
What do they have of fellow creature with millions of Brazilian children? I do think this soccer learning begin around 3 or 4 yeas old. I ask some kids how do they learned to play soccer and they answered me it was with their fathers. Maybe at this age they became conscious about football skills. Anyway, I think the father and a ball as present it takes the boy to awake for the soccer.
Nowadays, we can also say that the girls, in a lesser ratio, are awaked for soccer. But the ratio of boys without a doubt still is bigger.
On the other hand, soccer is a form of socialization of the child. It is a strong element in such a way to make new friendships, even to solidify oldest one. And those friendships can be consider too an element of initiation at the art of to play soccer.
When we observe small football play and we find natural players, making its dribbling, showing its affinities and abilities with the ball, we have to imagine that beyond the soccer schools, the domestic learning environment has been basic in the learning of these children.
In a way, to play soccer with my son is very good and it takes me a sentimental player. My abilities are not the same ones of when I also was a child already, at my first moment of learning of the soccer art. I remember the football play through the street of my house. The memories came to me facing me at my past. But these memories are collated with my present day, when I see my son to give me one dribbling underneath of my legs, to mark a goal and to saying that he is a champion. Well, I do think he is.
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5:50 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A Truthful Story About The Water Blow Up
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Some tips that we use to receive is better to register and share so that other people can have access. It is treated, thus can be said, in a family way, a public utility service.
Does the water can blow up?
This information is important to alert any person who uses the microwaves oven to have water heat. This is a truthful story:
Some days ago my son, of 26 years old, decided to take an instantaneous coffee. He placed to heat in the microwaves oven a cup of water, something that he had made many times already. I do not know exactly how much time he programmed the microwaves oven chronometer, but he wanted to take off the boiling water. When the chronometer disconnect, he opened the oven and removed the cup. He looked at the cup inside and repaired that the water was not bubbling. Suddenly, the water blows up. The cup was remained unbroken and the water jumped reaching his face that was blistered with burning of first and second degree. Perhaps he comes to be disfigured and can, also, lose part of the left vision.
In the hospital, the doctor who attended it confirmed that this is a sufficiently common occurrence.
The scientific explanation says that the water blows up because the microwaves oven heats it to a one hundred superior temperature. When the water is warm in a kettle, at the stove, the deep became with a one hundred superior temperature, unchaining the formation of vapor bubbles that goes up until the surface, increasing the exchange of heat and allowing the water keeps around one hundred. In the microwaves oven the water is warm, but the container not. Thus, the water does not unchain the formation of bubbles that would allow cooling the temperature. In such a way, the water is warm to a superior temperature of one hundred, waiting something unchains the formation of bubbles. When, for agitation or adding to sugar or coffee, it unchains the formation of bubbles, this occurs with such intensity that it results in an explosion of the water to the highest temperature, what can provoke serious burning.
The recommendation is never to heat, in the microwaves oven, containers with water alone, without more nothing. The container must be placed inside with something to spread out the energy, such as a wood spoon, etc, never metallic things.
This information is being replaced through email. You can now indicate ours link so that everybody can read and attend the video.
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9:42 PM
Monday, January 15, 2007
Have You Find What You Are Looking For?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
I do have a hobby: to see film at the weekend. By the way, to see films every day, if it can be possible. I face films as a sort of modern histories, as my grandfather histories, but in another way. When I was a child I used to listen my mother and my father tell us about what they and their family used to do at night, when they were children too. They used to listen to histories.
I think films are cultures practices that remember those experiences. People congregate in an appropriate place, the movie, to hear and to see histories.
But one good thing I prefer is to compare or to take cinematographic histories to think on the life. Cars, a film directed by John Lasseter, has a special history to think, specially who use to ask yourself about goals, what are looking for at life, and others sorts of directive questions.
Cars tell us the history of the Lightning MacQueen car, a race car looking for the Piston Cup, at the final race of the season. The Lightning considers himself as a man show, which does not need a crew chief or a team. He just works alone. However, it makes him alone, without friends. Everybody near him seems a kind of a partner, so different of a friend.
No friends, no girlfriend, no one to have a good talk. But then, an accident took him to Radiator Springs, a small town where a very famous race car means nothing. Who was or considered himself a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics is faced to face of a new stile of life.
Radiator Springs was where the Lightning MacQueen would learn what means a good team. He would find Mater, a real friend. And there he got a real love.
What cars take us to think? It has many things to think about. But I choose here to think about a crew. How important is a team to our life?
I think it is important to all way of life. It is important to make Friends, partners, to leave with parents, fellow workers, in summary, all the social relationships.
The point is: how to build a good team? The Lightning MacQueen discovered it was not being a man show anymore. And he got that was not looking for someone to help him. He discovered that help people by himself was helpful to make new friends.
I am filled with tears of ecstasy for this is the most glorious day of my life! It was a phrase of one of his new friend when he got MacQueen helps, just having new costumers from MacQueen indicated.
What are you looking for your life? Have you think about that?
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11:04 PM
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
How Do I Get A Teacher Image?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Who is the teacher? What does he make, what does she produce? This is a question that I did myself when I was to make a speech, in a graduation party. I started saying: the teacher is a craftsman.
He or she is a Craftsman of what? Craftsman of worlds, I would say. The teachers invent world, create ideas, paint subjectiveness, at last, produce and reproduce singular constellations. In the bulge of interpretations clippings, they have affliction suspire, as Chico Buarque would say, disintegrate great part of solid conceptions and without any guarantee, they slide for the tunnel of the time, through all the pieces and ruins of our cultural formation. I think that the craftsman, the educator makes of the symbols, the ideas, the passions, the joys, the sadness, as well as of the material universe that he finds around him, the substance and the tools of its work.
They load obtain a certain artistic style, and, for extension, a certain style of life, that has the social responsibility to educate and to fight for better work conditions and a more joust society.
The teacher work value appears slowly. He is enrolled in the social, cultural, economic and politics transformations of the society. The fruits are as a good wine, delay years to appreciate its flavor. From the grapevine plantation to the transformation of the grapes in wine and its aging a good time is taken. The teacher work makes to dreams leaven.
If I was to fit a scene, I would describe a camera covering slowly the empty banks, of an empty classroom. This image would serve to catch the occupied pupils land and that when they have had finished its studies, they take leave for other adventures. On the other hand, my camera would make to emerge the sensation that this classrooms territory was drained for new groups, who would also go to be formed by the educative experiences of those teachers.
It is what I think about the teacher, a craftsman, an inventor. The teacher goes beyond a domain of techniques and methodologies with its pedagogical strategic. Its teach art is a responsible, ethical, aesthetic and politics cultural practical.
The result of its work is the pupils dreams accomplishment. These conquests are shared between pupils and professors, for the teachers persistence and ability and the pupils persistence. That is, if it has merit, it is divided between all of them.
In each pupil store a piece of the lesson. One or another dared to catch a bigger slice, without second intentions.
To each school year beginning the pupils are renewed. But the teachers also renew themselves, searching to learn with them experiences and projecting new conquests. The teacher, this dreams craftsman, is also a dreamer.
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Postado por
8:55 AM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
How Do I Approach To Cyber Culture?
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Before read or learning anything about cyber culture, I remember my first time I faced a culture of information and communication technologies: it was when a bought my first personal computer, the Personal XT Computer. I think it was the first computer to come standard with a hard drive. I was at 1990 and I got it to write my academic work to the master degree.
Well, I have had never classes about computer, unless some instructive and directive information from friends. I took Literally a beating of that machine. I lost a lot of writing pages.
It was my first contact with a personal computer. When I got Internet I have had upgrade that personal computer. The ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, provided by a conventional modem was very expensive and Dial-up access was the best way, a form of Internet access through which the client uses a modem connected to a computer and a telephone line to dial into a node of ISP, Internet service provider, to establish a modem-to-modem link, which is then routed to the Internet.
My Internet access placed me face to face whit the cyber culture. Cyber culture is the culture that has emerged, or is emerging, from the computers use for communication, entertainment and business. At my case, I started to use it to academic papers.
Since the boundaries of cyber culture are difficult to define, the term is used flexibly, and its application to specific circumstances can be controversial. It generally refers at least to the cultures of online communities.
The online communities is my second way approach to cyber culture. I started a work from home business and the mainly thing have had to do was a web site. The problem was: how should to get a complete money making site setup?
It made me search at Google, Yahoo, Msn. Some communities I found helped me a lot. Specially some web site and Internet marketing forums.
The people who participated of these forums were gentile, helped the newbies offering tips of how to start the proper work from home business online and above all things they had the spirit of Win win. This means that they were there teaching and learning.
Today I have ADSL Internet access. My computer grows up in terms of technology and I am here learning about Internet marketing. The cyber culture including is bigger and there are much more people sailing into Internet. It becomes a vital virtual world to share experiences.
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9:35 PM
Monday, January 08, 2007
The importance of the hydration of the body
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
How many liter of water do you drink a day? Everyone should drink at least 2 liter of water per day, and if you exercise or are overweight, even more. Your body is made up of mostly of water. Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood and 70% of your muscle is water. Every cell in your body needs water to live. Water is responsible for transporting nutrients and energy to muscles and for taking waste from tissues. You can see how important water is to you.
Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your skin and hair. Other things water does for your body is to cushion your joints. Water carries oxygen and nutrients into all your cells. Water also helps regulate your body temperature.
You need water to keep your metabolism working properly. In order for this to happen, there is a certain level of water in each of our bodies that we need to maintain. If we do not keep that amount, our bodies will start to dehydrate. An easy way to think of it is to think of your car’s need for oil. If your oil level gets too low, your engine will start to run rough. If you totally deplete your oil supply in your car, your engine will stop running. It is the same with your body.
Therefore it is easy to see why it is very important to drink six to eight glasses of water a day. Some of the things that may happen to your body if you do not have enough water are that your blood pressure can fall to dangerously low levels. Blood clots may form. Your normal kidney function is impaired. You may get terrible constipation.
Some of the signals your body gives you of a low water level are constipation, terribly dry skin, and increased incidence of urinary tract infections and reoccurring headaches.
If you have a problem with water retention, excess salt may be the cause. Your body will tolerate a certain amount of sodium, however, the more salt you consume, the more fluid you need to dilute it. To overcome this problem, always drink plenty of water.
Do you see relationship between body dehydration and weight increase? Water contributes to energy storage along with glycogen. Without water, extra amounts of glucose remain in the bloodstream until reaching the liver, the extra glucose is stored as fat. Your body takes water from inside cells in an effort to compensate for a dehydrated state, including fat cells. Less water in your fat cells means less mobilization of fat for energy.
One of the liver's primary functions is to metabolize stored fat into energy. The kidneys are responsible for filtering toxins, wastes, ingested water, and salts out of the bloodstream. If you are dehydrated, the kidneys cannot function properly, and the liver must work overtime to compensate. As a result, it metabolizes less fat. So remember, if you are trying to decrease the amount of fat on your body, drink plenty of water.
Luckily, water is a great natural appetite suppressant. There are three ways we get water into our bodies. We get it from the foods we eat, the fluids we drink, and as a by-product of metabolism. It is always better to drink pure water instead of soda, tea, or coffee. These products actually increase your need for fluids because most contain caffeine, which is a diuretic. Diuretics force out stored water along with certain essential nutrients.
There are many ways other to talk about hydration of the body. The best way to do that is to drink water. Do you have any information about the water you are drinking?
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2:57 PM
Changes That Make To be Born Entrepreneur
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
The technologies of the information come modifying the form of interaction between people, shortening ways, or diminishing the distances. These interactions can be between individuals themselves and them and a machine. Since the telephone, until the email, that is a cheaper case, it has been available for the user a series of communications instruments facilitating these interactions.
It has two important concepts in this process: interaction and interactive process. The interaction can be defined as a reciprocal action between citizens that can be direct or indirect, mediated for some communication technician vehicle, as for example letter or telephone.
Interactive process is a term that comes indistinctly being used with two different meanings, in generally confused: for one hand, the technical power offered for determined way, as for example, CD-ROMS of consultation, general hyperlink or computers games, and by the other hand the human activity of the user to act on the machine, and to receive in exchange a retraction from the machine itself.
In the global world work, emergent trend mainly from the fall of the wall of Berlin, in 1989, has a job reduction and grows the business opportunities for entrepreneur, or who search for to be owner of the proper business. The challenge for this increasing population mass is to be professional, learning new abilities, mainly in this market of high competitiveness.
In such a way, the learning situations are significant for the new professional. Where to find them? Are there geographical and financial accessible?
These situations can be given in classrooms, not in formal institutions of education properly said, but in enterprise environments, basically. The schools, I say university, teach processes, methodologies, but they have said little regarding the relation human being, basic in any company.
On the other hand, these situations of learning can be given at a distance also. Here the messages are less subjective and social affective. But it is possible yes to have exchange of information, what it means to admit the learning.
The objective of this article is to reflect on the following investigation: front to these global changes, which is the education ideal learning, in view of the entrepreneur formation?
In the situations of enterprise learning, the interaction does not exist only between entrepreneur and instructional material, entrepreneurs between itself, entrepreneurs and tutor, entrepreneurs and education institution. It is also given between the elements that compose the universe of the entrepreneur, such as the history of life, family, work, social class and other groups that he or she belongs.
Ahead of the diversity, it is necessary attention to value the differences, to stimulate ideas, opinions and attitudes, to develop the capacity to learn to think, as well as taking the entrepreneur to get the conscientious control of the learned one, holding it back and to know to apply it in another context. It is observed then that in the distance between the entrepreneur and necessary knowledge to its success, is not only one physical, but psychological, sociological, cultural, economic, also philosophical space, among others.
The entrepreneur is himself who take action to get its proper knowledge now days. Beyond dominating some knowledge, its responsibility and sense of community to this knowledge is vital for its success. In other words, the change of entrepreneur attitude will be basic for the change of the system. New progress criteria are in game, based in the self trust human development and growth.
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10:09 AM
Friday, January 05, 2007
Internet Marketing Is Not Classroom Learning
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Who is looking for one great income by the Internet marketing must to learn a lot of things? The newbie efficiency is based on his capable of far more complex functions. And the capacity of learning is on the way. But it does not come overnight.
First of all, Internet marketing is not classroom learning. At a conventional learning, to go to the school and to dedicate it a period of time in structuralized place, following social cultural and educational rules, is part of the life of everybody that have the chance to frequent a scholar institution. This reality, however, comes moving. The school, the house of the pupil and the world are going to constitute the places of the Education.
The technological advance and the new Medias, are changing the pertaining to school reality, pressuring the system in the direction of the construction of a Society of the Information, that facilitates the access to the knowledge. In this direction, the Education in the distance comes as reply to this social necessity.
As in the Education in the distance, the concern at Internet marketing is with the quality of education, with the commitment of who is teaching and of who is learning and with the necessity to assume the technological tools. In special way, the concern with the pupil, that we can say newbie here, is with the form as he or she goes to place in the process of self instruction , being organized its time and space of studies.
In other words, a newbie at Internet Marketing will have to dedicate some time to learn about online network business and this learning is not a conventional one. It is bidirectional intercommunication without the physical presence of who is teaching, where the newbie will go to be part of a pedagogical process of high technology, in an educative process.
It is necessary to clarify what it is understood for educative process: to educate is not simply to make with that the pupil memorizes a sequence of information; it is treated to make with that the pupil is capable to understand concepts from the entailing concepts with its next reality and to reinterpret them.
At this way to choose a good affiliate program, setup a website, participate on forum, to publish articles at articles directories and get to search engine optimization. All of these things are new concept to be interpreted, reinterpret and understood.
But, I think the mainly thing is to go straight ahead, with focused attention and energy. I use to say action with meanings. Not just action, action, action. But to produce meant with action. Make a business pedagogical plan and run to get your dreams.
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2:59 PM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Work from Home with a Pedagogical Plan
Copyright © Wolney H. Filho
Who is starting a work from home come across with a pedagogical question: how to implement a plan of study and learning of a new business? What to study? What to read?
The biggest challenge is to undertake a plan of learning for the proper hands. What it is in game is the designs for self instruction.
The idea of self instruction is crucial for the education in the distance, or learning in the distance, not at classroom. It means by the interaction with a machine. It is different of conventional education, where the interactions between teachers and students, and the students and them selves promote the permanently motivation. In the self instruction the success of the student depends over all, on the student motivation and its conditions of work.
Generally, in the conventional education, the student is not lead to make its planning of study, plan of goals. And without a plan of goals the apprentice leads its life without an appropriate direction.
Michel Serres, French philosopher, said that education is to teach somebody to leave of being parasite of the other. And more is to teach the autonomy, to make with that the people always do not need the assistance of the mother, of the father, brother, neighbor, of the other. It is to become the citizen capable to sign on account proper contract, to give in the same measure that receives, to be in symbiosis by himself. And with no symbiosis become the abusive being, parasite.
The success of the newbie at Internet marketing is the success of who teach him also. But the newbie teacher is not physically present. It means that either must have a pedagogical plan to communicate between them. And most of the time the newbie will be interacting with a machine, a program, or a softer ware.
I have to say it again: the success of the newbie at Internet marketing is the success of who teach him also. Good programs bring the harvest time, I mean good Downline leaders. Not parasite one.
Well, the next question is: where do you get a pedagogical plan? The bad news is you will not find it as soon as you can. It does not exist anywhere. You will have to make it by yourself. And the good news is: it is fully and legitimately possible.
The mainly thing to do is to make research. Yes, you have to research a lot, looking for a way to you positioned at this fantastic business. It is competitive, do not forget. Read articles, go in forums, setup a web site to promote your product and pay attention on your own history. It is very important.
See that I do not say that a newbie needs to understand about HTML code or being an expert of design a web site. No experience is necessary here.
A pedagogical plan must be flexible. For instance, if you want a new black BMW car, but you get a blue it does not mean you did not get your goals. Flexibility is necessary to be on road of the success.
For a pedagogical plan your expected result is your VISION. The problem is that most of us do not have a crystal clear vision of where we want to be in life. We have learned to just get by. Usually we are not trained in school or by our parents to be millionaires. We are not trained to have time freedom and money freedom – The real vision for most people in life is to work their jobs living paycheck to paycheck. That is being nothing more than a parasite.
I invite you to rethink your learning support, by building meanings to your action. Do not do it just for do it. You and me must take action, but inside a meaning pedagogical plan.
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3:35 PM